
The philological faculty is coeval with our university. In the remote 1940 it was made the first enrolment at first on the department of Belarusian language and literature, and then on the department of Russian language and literature. Later on these departments became the basis for creation of the literature faculty. Today the philological faculty is one of the largest faculties of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, that has stable, highly technological material and technical, educational and methodical bases. Maintaining the traditions, we face the future with confidence.
We follow a changeable labour-market and do everything possible for our graduates to have good job opportunities not only in the market of educational services, but also in another fields of activity. It has been essentially reflected in the image of our faculty. It has become prestigious and relevant to take philological education at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. The evidence of it is the influx of the entrants from all the regions of our country, and also from the foreign countries and from the former Soviet republics. We are the leaders on the foreign students training. Russia, Lithuania, China, Turkey, Austria, the Czech Republic, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Turkmenistan are the representatives of the incomplete list of the countries, the citizens of which get a high-quality education at our faculty.
It is significant that nowadays the philological faculty is the large linguistic center that provides the specialists training in the field of the Russian, Belarusian and Slavonic philology in the following modern specializations: business communication, Russian as a foreign language, literary and editorial activity, computer support.
We are also one of the leading higher education institutions of the country which provides preparing highly qualified specialists in "Contemporary foreign languages" with the profound knowledge of English, German, French, Polish, Spanish and Italian. The international cooperation of our faculty with the numerous partners of the foreign higher education institutions gives unlimited opportunities to our students in carrying out foreign trainings, participations in the programmes of the academic exchanges of the students. As a result, the graduates of this specialty have a successful career not only in educational classes and students’ lecture rooms, but also in the state and public organizations, in travel and hotel business and at the enterprises.
The wide range of specialties of the philological faculty provides a freedom in choosing for you, dear entrants!

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